Esas Sosyal, Esas Holding's social investment unit, combines the Holding's value of responsible citizenship with the vision of the late Şevket Sabancı and his family to invest in society. As the Turkish example of today's social impact investment approach, Esas Sosyal aims to create joint solutions for social problems. With a focus on youth and employment, Esas Sosyal has developed Şevket Sabancı First Chance, Hayırlı Sabancı English Chance and Alumni Programs through collaborative work and extensive research and brought together a large ecosystem with over 4,000 people around these programs, including corporate and in-kind supporters, participants, mentors, alumni, NGO managers, HR professionals and trainers.
MOREŞevket Sabancı First Chance Program, one of the pioneers in addressing youth unemployment in Turkey, provides young people who have recently graduated from university their first job opportunity and supports them to gain experience by working full-time in non-governmental organizations (NGOs) for 12 months. Hayırlı Sabancı English Chance Program is an innovative social investment program that provides 3 courses of online English education for 12 months to support the transition from school to work for students studying at universities that are less preferred by employers.
Esas Sosyal sets two main goals while working on youth unemployment, one of Turkey's biggest problems.